On 2022/06/23 07:58, Aaron Bieber wrote:
> Hi!
> First off, HUGE thanks to tb@ for the work on libressl that let mtxclient work
> without needing to pull in openssl!!
> Also thanks to casper for some tweaks to the deps!
> Nheko is probably the most feature complete native app for matrix chat. It 
> does
> encryption, spaces.. etc. Very usable as a daily driver!
> I have been using it on OpenBSD for some time now without issue.
> Any cluesticks?
> Cheers,
> Aaron

>From a read through:


COMMENT =       client API for Matrix, built on libcurl
- should be s/libcurl/coeurl/ shouldn't it?

Very fast, header-only/compiled, C++ logging library.
- wrong port


CATEGORIES =    devel
- think we usually do textproc for json-things

- empty debug package; this is header-only

PSEUDO_FLAVORS =        tests
- not really standard in ports, and you have the huge testdata download
whether or not this is used, might be better to get rid of this and just
include the tests by default? (Or just disable tests if they aren't
really useful)

#NO_TEST =      Yes
- commented; i didn't check but please just pick NO_TEST=Yes or leave it out

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