On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 05:32:57PM +0200, Eric Faurot wrote:

> Now I am hitting another problem which seems much more serious:
> missing implementation for std::char_traits<unsigned short>.  I guess
> it is due to the current version of gcc/stdc++ being too old...

Nope, it's probably some wchar misconfiguration.

std::char_traits<T> is mostly used for I/O or string-like comparisons, so
in general it's only defined for char and wchar_t.
Pretty weird to have it for unsigned short, since that's not a character
type on OpenBSD, at all...

That's from memory, and indeed the C++ standard, in the introduction
to chapter 21 (strings library) agrees with me: the class template
char_traits<charT> is only defined for char and wchar_t by the standard.

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