
Here's an update for mpd to 0.23.12 that's been working fine on amd64.

ver 0.23.12 (2023/01/17)
* input
  - curl: require CURL 7.55.0 or later
* decoder
  - mad: fix integer underflow with very small files
* tags
  - fix crash bug due to race condition
* output
  - pipewire: adjust to PipeWire 0.3.64 API change
* fix build failures with GCC 13

ver 0.23.11 (2022/11/28)
* database
  - simple: move default database to ~/.cache/mpd/db from ~/.cache/mpd.db
  - simple: default "cache_directory" to ~/.cache/mpd/mounts
* macOS: fix build failure "no archive members specified"
* Windows
  - fix crash bug (stack buffer overflow) after I/O errors
  - fix path traversal bug because backslash was allowed in playlist names
* Android/Windows
  - update OpenSSL to 3.0.7
  - re-enable CURL's verbose error strings

Other feedback?

diff refs/heads/master refs/heads/mpd
commit - 603d313bbec9574ee832804ad04204a3daf8a852
commit + 3c8f65957955b836dc8442a5a2961f06a3d52cbf
blob - 96d178c481bbd313a6046a95d0c21927459c845b
blob + add10a109efd6784b8bdc5529c09e75d42a5de86
--- audio/mpd/Makefile
+++ audio/mpd/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 BROKEN-hppa =          no atomic ops
 COMMENT =              Music Player Daemon
-VER =                  0.23.10
+VER =                  0.23.12
 DISTNAME =             mpd-${VER}
 EXTRACT_SUFX =         .tar.xz
 CATEGORIES =           audio
blob - b4eccb399647a3688d34a5c44a38c4a2b79be7eb
blob + 32a62217d956d7f39ef162ee9f66370846d0b367
--- audio/mpd/distinfo
+++ audio/mpd/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (mpd-0.23.10.tar.xz) = YFyM60LMSBRMvb6eloK23A3wNIJYpKYr3glaAsok5qg=
-SIZE (mpd-0.23.10.tar.xz) = 774196
+SHA256 (mpd-0.23.12.tar.xz) = t/ymIoTswlpoHqagerxJIAr1NTvkLLWjHjFzvp2HAuc=
+SIZE (mpd-0.23.12.tar.xz) = 774708

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