Attached are ports for

Based on a snapshot from 20230419
MASTER_SITE is a personal mirror, since googlesource doesn't provide
stable archives.

needed by

Includes a gazillion patches for v8, taken from www/chromium
Includes half a gazillion patches adapted from the FreeBSD port
* stub function to retrieve the resident set size is stubbed to always return 0
* misses an implementation of Deno.systemMemoryInfo()
--> Deno.systemMemoryInfo() and Deno.memoryUsage() don't crash, but
don't return useful values either.

amd64: both tested, both seem to work reasonably well.

arm64: devel/gn tested, lang/deno still building because RaspberryPi ...

Attachment: gn.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: deno.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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