On Tue, May 09, 2023 at 08:46:39AM +0200, Landry Breuil wrote:

Hello Landry,

> can you check whether it's "saved in the session" if you use session
> saving ? grep screensa .cache/sessions/*

I tried the following:

  1. `pkg_add xfce4-scrensaver`. Enable screen saving. There is no
     xfce4-screensaver process at this point.
  2. Log out and back in. There is now an xfce4-screensaver process.
  3. Disable Screen saver and lock screen in Settings > Screensaver.
  4. Log out of XFCE. Check in console: there is no longer an
     xfce4-screensaver process.
  5. Log back in. There is an xfce4-screensaver process.
  6. Disable screensaver from Settings > Session & Startup.
  7. Log out and back in. There is an xfce4-screensaver process.
  8. `kill` the xfce4-screensaver process.
  9. Log out and back in. There is an xfce4-screensaver process.

At none of these stages did "screensa" appear in the sessions dir. I
assume XFCE is always starting it, somehow, but I don't know why.

Apparently, xfce4-screensaver really doesn't recognise when it's not
wanted ;) I have `pkg_delete`d it again!


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