On 07/22, Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse wrote:
> You recently committed the update for gitea 1.20.0; I think you should add an 
> @ask-update marker because there are many
> deprecated options which need to be tweaked first otherwise the server breaks 
> on the next boot. The commit message doesn’t
> mention this at all (other than pointing to the raw changelog).

(cc'ing to ports@)

Hi Jasper,

Thanks for spotting the issue. I didn't pay attention for possible
breakages because I usually review logs and check package functionality after
upgrading it, and in case of gitea, when it blames some configuration options
are deprecated, I fix it JIT, that's why it didn't break on my prod/test
setups, and that's why I missed it.

I think adding @ask-update makes sense only if there's an UPGRADE section in
README describing what setting is deprecated in which version, otherwise
I'll end up with multiple @ask-update for each version, or with @ask-update
for all versions with something misleading like: "check your config for
deprecated settings", but how people will know what's deprecated?

https://docs.gitea.com/next/administration/config-cheat-sheet shows only
5 options as deprecated while there are many more:

>From the recent security/gnupg update which broke yubikey setups,
there's no @ask-update but there's an additional note in README.

So I see 3 options:
1) Add UPGRADE section in README with the list of deprecated config
2) 1) + @ask-update
3) 1) + @ask-update for each specific version (not sure if it even

With best regards,
Pavel Korovin

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