On 8 Aug 2023, at 20:49, Volker Schlecht <openbsd-po...@schlecht.dev> wrote:
> Cc: Maintainer
> On 7/31/23 14:28, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
>> I managed to run a full bulk build on my T14 G3 with IBT.  Kudos
>> to Lenovo for engineering a laptop that can build for days on end
>> without melting down.
>> The following ports fail to build:
>> devel/ocaml-menhir              # OCaml
>> sysutils/opam                   # OCaml
>> x11/lablgtk3                    # OCaml
>> I included an uncommitted USE_NOBTICF fix for sysutils/findlib, but
>> there seems to remain another problem with some OCaml ports.
> With the attached patch, I get a lang/ocaml that builds ocaml-menhir and
> lablgtk3 successfully on my IBT enabled amd64 machine.

I’m just catching up; is a recent amd64 snapshot enough to get an
IBT-enabled system?

I’m testing out OCaml 5.1~rc1, and the testsuite fully passes.  Might
be easier to just upgrade to that instead.  It would mean turning i386
and arm32 into bytecode-only architectures, but that’s got to happen at
some stage.


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