El 31/8/23 a las 10:58, Stefan Hagen escribió:
Jose Maldonado wrote (2023-08-31 09:21 CEST):
El 31/8/23 a las 3:18, Stefan Hagen escribió:
Hi Jose,

Jose Maldonado wrote (2023-08-31 08:26 CEST):
Hi, this is my first contribution. Bump version for audio/picard to 2.9.1.
All tested in amd64, not problems.

You did a good job. For some reason your patch contained line breaks in
the PLIST that shouldn't be there. But no problem - I just regenerated

   DISTNAME =           picard-${MODPY_EGG_VERSION}
   REVISION =           0

When the port version is bumped up, the REVISION can be removed.
Everything else looks fine to me.

Diff below with the following changes:
- REVISION removed
- RUN_DEPENDS sorted
- Comment that pthread is needed, so the next person updating it won't
    trip over it.

A runtime test was successful.

The test target runs to 38% and then get's stuck at
test/test_util_pipe.py where it loops at 100% cpu forever.

5861148  46436 python3.10 CALL  open(0x80316d14050,0x10000<O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC>)
5861149  46436 python3.10 RET   open -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
5861150  46436 python3.10 CALL  
5861151  46436 python3.10 RET   futex 0
5861152  46436 python3.10 CALL  
5861153  46436 python3.10 RET   futex 0
5861154  46436 python3.10 CALL  open(0x80316d14050,0x10000<O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC>)
5861155  46436 python3.10 RET   open -1 errno 2 No such file or directory

It seems not to hurt picard though.

Best Regards,

Thanks for the comments, I will take them into account for the next diff.

Right now, I'm taking a look at Picard Github, to see what I can find that
gives an explanation to the problem indicated in the list.

I just opened picard 20 times in a row and clicked around without a
crash. I turned HW acceleration off in xorg.conf (amdgpu):
     Option "Accel"    "off"

With this option "on", roughly every third picard start would kill X.

Is this the issue others are facing too, or did I stumble at something

Best regards,

I have been checking the problem, and I have seen the following:

1.- It usually only appears when you run picard on more than one occasion using the same X11/Xenocara session. If you run it once and reboot, no problem. If you run it more than once you are in bingo.

2.- You end up with two errors in the logs:

- By Picard:

I: 22:40:53,623 browser/browser.start:121: Starting the browser integration ( The X11 connection broke: I/O error (code 1) X connection to :0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

- By Xenocara

[22813.129] (EE) Received signal 6 sent by process 0, uid 0
[ 22813.130] (EE) Fatal server error:
[ 22813.130] (EE) Caught signal 6 (Abort trap). Server aborting
[ 22813.130] (EE)
Please consult the X.Org Foundation support
         at http://wiki.x.org for help.
[22813.130] (EE) Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.

3.- If you start picard with the -M option (disabling the built-in media player) then it stops crashing X11/Xenocara, no matter how many times you start picard in the same session.

This problem maybe is related with this problem


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