On 2023/09/03 17:15, Lucas Raab wrote:
> Hello,
> Here's a new port for py-flasgger which is a new dep for a www/py-httpbin
> update and possibly of interest for those who have APIs implemented in Flask.
> pkg/DESCR:
> Flask extension to extract OpenAPI-Specification from all Flask
> views registered in your API.
> https://github.com/flasgger/flasgger
> Comments?
> Thanks,
> Lucas

It has RUN_DEPENDS on sysutils/py-packaging and www/py-werkzeug
but I don't see any relevant imports in the installed files (there
are some "use...from werkzeug" in examples/demo_app files but not
installed). It would be nice to drop those if not really needed.

Looks like the default set of tests picked by pytest require some
things we don't have (e.g. test_examples.py requires swagger-flex
pypi.org/project/flex) causing it to stop in the 'collect' phase;
adding this allows the other test to run:

# avoid tests with deps that we don't have
MODPY_PYTEST_ARGS =     --ignore tests/test_examples.py tests

(or we could set use MODPY_PYTEST_ARGS=tests/test_base.py, but
the above will still let it pick up anything newly added in
future versions).

With those dep/s removed if possible and MODPY_PYTEST_ARGS, I'm
ok with this.

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