On 2023 Oct 07 (Sat) at 10:04:35 -0700 (-0700), Greg Steuck wrote:
:Theo Buehler <t...@theobuehler.org> writes:
:>> Alright. I've added that and will let you know if it happens again.
:> This gives slightly more info. No change in the rest of the log except
:> time stamps.
:I'm pretty sure this is both new and actionable:
:> Running: /usr/bin/pkg-config --version
:> Running: /usr/bin/pkg-config --variable pc_path pkg-config
:> Running: /usr/bin/pkg-config --version
:> Running: /usr/bin/pkg-config --list-all
:> Failed to query pkg-config, Cabal will continue without solving for 
:> constraints: dieVerbatim: user error (CallStack (from HasCallStack):
:> withMetadata, called at src/Distribution/Simple/Utils.hs:368:14 in
:> Cabal-
:> Error: cabal: '/usr/bin/pkg-config' exited with an error:
:> Problem reading file /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/dcmtk.pc
:I don't normally have /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/dcmtk.pc, installing
:graphics/dcmtk allows me to reproduce the bug. In particular, something
:is fishy about this file or pkg-config:
:% /usr/bin/pkg-config --list-all > /dev/null
:Problem reading file /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/dcmtk.pc
:% echo $?
:% pkg-config --exists dcmtk
:% echo $?
:% ls -l /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/dcmtk.pc
:-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin  666 Oct  5 04:36 /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/dcmtk.pc

I can reproduce it here as well.  It seems every line is prefixed with a
single space (e.g. ' Name: DCMTK'), which causes the problem.  If I
manually remove the leading space, then dcmtk.pc seems to be alright.

Boston, n.:
        Ludwig van Beethoven being jeered by 50,000 sports fans for
        finishing second in the Irish jig competition.

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