On 2023/12/07 08:23, Justin Berthault wrote:
> Hi Florian
> Everything is fine here with 3.6.4 however there are some test
> failures.
> The following tests FAILED:
> 82 - abbr.fish (Failed)
> 136 - git.fish (Failed)
> 168 - read.fish (Failed)
> 193 - tmux-abbr.fish (Failed)
> 194 - tmux-bind.fish (Failed)
> 195 - tmux-complete.fish (Failed)
> 196 - tmux-history-search.fish (Failed)
> 197 - tmux-prompt.fish (Failed
> Best regards.
> -- 
> ~Justin

It doesn't find the fish binary properly (same in 3.6.1).
Can be worked-around with a TEST_DEPENDS on itself, i.e.

With that, I see two remaining failures:

- read.fish is using a gnu extension to head(1):

|   1/246 Test #168: read.fish ................................***Failed    
0.47 sec
| Testing file checks/read.fish ... Failure:
|   The CHECK on line 252 wants:
|     $a: set in global scope, unexported, with 1 elements
|   which failed to match line stdout:51:
|     reading too much data did not terminate with failure status
|   additional output on stderr:3:12:
|     head: unknown option -- c
|     usage: head [-count | -n count] [file ...]
|     head: unknown option -- c
|     usage: head [-count | -n count] [file ...]
|     read: status: cannot overwrite read-only variable
|     checks/read.fish (line 384):
|     echo foo | read status
|     ^

This one can be fixed by depending on sysutils/coreutils and "ln -fs
${LOCALBASE}/bin/ghead ${WRKDIR}/bin/head" before the main test in

- check-completions.fish is trying to do something with X and failing:

|   9/246 Test  #96: check-completions.fish ...................***Failed    
3.26 sec
| Testing file checks/check-completions.fish ... Failure:
|   There were no remaining checks left to match stderr:1:
|     Failed to connect to X Server.
|   Context:
|     Failed to connect to X Server. <= no more checks
|   when running command:
|     ../test/root/bin/fish -C 'set -l fish ../test/root/bin/fish' 

Not sure what this is doing (and not interested enough in fish to
spend more time diagnosing).

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