On Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 10:24:43PM -0500, A Tammy wrote:
> On 1/9/24 18:29, Chaz Kettleson wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 12:01:59AM +0300, Kirill Bychkov wrote:
> >> On Tue, January 9, 2024 23:22, Chaz Kettleson wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>> On Sun, Jan 07, 2024 at 05:04:57PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> >>>> On 2024/01/07 01:15, Chaz Kettleson wrote:
> >>>>> Hello,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This is my first port. I'm looking for mentorship, testing, and feedback
> >>>>> to eventually get this committed. I've read the porting guide,
> >>>>> bsd.port.mk(5), rc.subr(8), and login.conf(5) when making this port.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This is a port for open Home Automation Bus https://www.openhab.org/.
> >>>>> From the project github and DESCR:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The open Home Automation Bus (openHAB) project aims at providing a
> >>>>> universal integration platform for all things around home automation.
> >>>>> It is a pure Java solution, fully based on OSGi.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It is designed to be vendor-neutral as well as 
> >>>>> hardware/protocol-agnostic.
> >>>>> openHAB brings together different bus systems, hardware devices,
> >>>>> and interface protocols by dedicated bindings. These bindings send
> >>>>> and receive commands and status updates on the openHAB event bus.
> >>>>> This concept allows designing user interfaces with a unique look&feel,
> >>>>> but with the possibility to operate devices based on a big number
> >>>>> of different technologies. Besides the user interfaces, it also
> >>>>> brings the power of automation logic across different system
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I had a few challenges when making this port.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Firstly, there is no archive root when extracting the distfile. 
> >>>>> Initially
> >>>>> I had set ${WRKDIST}=${WRKDIR} and had do-install copy everything from
> >>>>> ${WRKDIST}. This turned out to be a problem with 'make fake' since it 
> >>>>> was
> >>>>> recursively trying to copy fake-amd64. I eventually opted to override
> >>>>> EXTRACT_CASES for tar.gz to create a subdir and extract there. I was
> >>>> hoping
> >>>>> for a variable that might let me set a directory instead, but I imagine
> >>>> most
> >>>>> distfiles extract with an archive root.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Secondly, I considered using the javaPathHelper within the rc file, but
> >>>>> ultimately opted to use the scripts that come with Apache Karaf. The
> >>>>> start.sh packaged with openHAB just calls these under the hood. They do
> >>>>> a lot of bootstrapping for the environment, so calling java directly
> >>>>> would cause a number of issues. Unfortunately, these scripts rely on
> >>>>> the JAVA_HOME environment variable to be set. I packaged a openhab.login
> >>>>> so I could set this variable via setenv. I was hoping the packaging
> >>>> process
> >>>>> would allow me to substitute build variables similar to the rc file. 
> >>>>> This
> >>>>> way
> >>>>> I could do something like:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> :setenv=JAVA_HOME="$(${LOCALBASE}/bin/javaPathHelper -h openhab"
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I quickly realized it wasn't doing it when $ was substituted for the 
> >>>>> user
> >>>>> per login.conf(5) and copied verbatim. This left me no choice but to
> >>>>> hard-code the path (perhaps logic could be added for this case?)
> >>>> Here it is with a few tweaks;
> >>>>
> >>>> - handling extraction and JAVA_HOME in a bit more of a simple way,
> >>>>   no need for login.conf
> >>>> - no need for a separate OPENHAB_HOME, we can just point PREFIX there
> >>>> - don't repeat the name in COMMENT (where it's shown, PKGNAME is shown
> >>>>   too, so that's redundant information), instead try to provide more
> >>>>   of a brief description
> >>> Thank you! This is _much_ cleaner. I've been playing with this the last
> >>> few days incorporating your feedback. The challenge now is that all of
> >>> the configuration for openHAB happens through environment variables.
> >>> This got a little messy in the rc file, for example, setting
> >>> OPENHAB_HTTP_ADDRESS= Having users edit the rc file to control
> >>> the program seemed wrong. I looked at the installation on debian and
> >>> noticed they provide a /etc/default/openhab for configuration that is
> >>> sourced via systemd or init.d.
> >>>
> >>> https://github.com/openhab/openhab-linuxpkg/blob/main/resources/etc/default/openhab
> >>>
> >>> My approach now is to provide this file for configuration and source it
> >>> from the rc file. I will also update this to have set by
> >>> default. I have two questions:
> >>>
> >>> 1.) OpenBSD doesn't typically have a /etc/default/, I was considering
> >>> just using /etc/openhab.conf thoughts?
> I suggest making a /etc/openhab folder and installing the file with the
> variables there, as generally java programs come with quite a few config
> files.
> Make sure to add a .sh extension so users can understand what syntax to
> use (a small comment in there about why the file exists would be good too).
> A few ports that come to mind which do something similar to what you are
> trying to do
> Solr - https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/ports/textproc/solr/
> Jitsi - https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/ports/net/jitsi/
> Keycloak -
> https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/ports/security/keycloak/
> Cheers,
> Aisha

Thanks. I updated the package README to indicate how /etc/openhab.conf
is used.

> >> We usually install sample configs to
> >> ${PREFIX{/share/examples/portname/sample.config and add @sample marker in
> >> PLIST to ${SYSCONFDIR}/portname/port.cfg. Take a look at
> >> /usr/ports/net/tor/pkg/PLIST
> >>
> >>> 2.) I've had a heck of time trying to get this copied there in
> >>> do-install. I'm a bit confused on how to use PREFIX and get the PLIST
> >>> updated during make fake/update-plist. For example something like cp
> >>> ${FILESDIR}/openhab.conf ${SYSCONFDIR} does not work. More on this in my
> >>> next comment.
> >> The answer is above. Just make sure your port is looking for a config in
> >> /etc/port/port.cfg and not in /usr/local/share/examples. To place sample
> >> config into examples dir you could just cp it from WRKSRC to
> >> ${PREXIX}/share/exaples/...
> > Thank you, that worked. I'm able to make progress now on this part.
> >
> >>>>> Lastly, it's possible to patch this to break out configuration to /etc,
> >>>>> logging to /var/log, as well as the data, cache, state, etc -- however,
> >>>>> most Karaf-based applications don't typically change these, and most 
> >>>>> other
> >>>>> Java-related ports I've looked at didn't either. This was mostly done
> >>>>> for myself as I'm an experienced Java developer looking to contribute to
> >>>>> openHAB (and use it!), however, I'm happy to make any changes to how 
> >>>>> it's
> >>>>> installed based on feedback.
> >>>> Some thoughts:
> >>>>
> >>>> I think it probably would be helpful to at least put logs under /var/log
> >>>> (perhaps with @sample /var/log/openhab and correct ownership, and
> >>>> install a symlink as part of the package i.e. /var/openhab/userdata/logs
> >>>> -> /var/log/openhab, which should avoid the need to patch anything).
> >>> After reviewing the linux package I've decided to breakout all of the
> >>> directories based on the default locations openHAB defines. I think this
> >>> will be more natural for users anyway. Here is an excerpt from the link
> >>> above:
> >>>
> >>> #########################
> >>> ## The following settings override the default apt/rpm locations and 
> >>> should be
> >>> used with caution.
> >>> ## openHAB will fail to update itself if you're using different paths.
> >>> ## Only set these if you are testing and are confident in debugging.
> >>>
> >>> #OPENHAB_HOME=/usr/share/openhab
> >>> #OPENHAB_CONF=/etc/openhab
> >>> #OPENHAB_RUNTIME=/usr/share/openhab/runtime
> >>> #OPENHAB_USERDATA=/var/lib/openhab
> >>> #OPENHAB_LOGDIR=/var/log/openhab
> >>>
> >>> So now I've been struggling with the same issue as copying
> >>> /etc/openhab.conf for the above locations. For example, doing something
> >>> like:
> >>>
> >>> cp ${WRKDIST}/userdata /var/lib/openhab
> >>>
> >>> is not going to work. I tried instead setting the PREFIX=/ and doing:
> >>>
> >>> cp ${WRKDIST}/conf ${PREFIX}etc/openhab
> >>> cp ${WRKDIST}/userdata ${PREFIX}var/lib/openhab
> >>> cp ${WRKDIST}/runtime ${PREFIX}usr/share/openhab/runtime
> >>>
> >>> but the fake framework does not update the PLIST. Setting
> >>> PREFIX=/usr/local works for things like share/openhab, but I'm not sure
> >>> how to handle when things are supposed to go to /usr, /etc, /var. I've
> >>> reviewed documentation several times and clearly missing something. I
> >>> intend to clean it up once I get it working correctly (i.e. using
> >>> variables or even sourcing the files/openhab.conf to bootstrap locations
> >>> to copy to).
> >>>
> >>>> It could do with a pkg-readme (formatting based on the template under
> >>>> /usr/ports/infrastructure/templates/README.template) at least indicating
> >>>> that by default it runs with the web interface accessible to the world
> >>>> on port 8080 and allows anyone with access to that to carry out the
> >>>> initial setup. (If it's not too hard to do, it might be better to
> >>>> restrict that to by default and give info about how to change
> >>>> it; if the web interface port can be changed it would be helpful to
> >>>> show how to do that too, as 8080 is pretty often used by other
> >>>> software).
> >>> Done.
> >>>
> >>>> Stopping the daemon doesn't seem to work very reliably. In particular
> >>>> after I figured out that 8080 was conflicting and I stopped the other
> >>>> daemon to test, "rcctl restart openhab" didn't stop/restart/get it to
> >>>> pick up new config. I think I'd be happier to at least remove rc_check
> >>>> and construct some pexp string to match. Not sure if that might also
> >>>> be preferable for rc_stop (it didn't seem to respond all that well to
> >>>> signals either - at least if pexp is set then the fallback that rc.d
> >>>> uses for timeouts should kick in).
> >>> I've looked into this deeper. The scripts need some seatbelts because
> >>> there is time to spin up and shutdown the framework. It looks like this
> >>> was handled in the init scripts for debian. I'll plan to port this over
> >>> to the rc file on the next iteration.
> >>>
> >>> https://github.com/openhab/openhab-linuxpkg/blob/main/resources/etc/init.d/deb/openhab
> >>>
> >>>> The package installs all files as writable by _openhab - that should be
> >>>> ratcheted down so that only files/dirs which need to be changed at 
> >>>> runtime
> >>>> are writable the daemon user, otherwise have them owned by root.
> >>>> But also, some places which the daemon tries to write to aren't
> >>>> writable (need a dir creating with @sample perhaps?)
> >>>>
> >>>> 2024-01-07 16:39:58.803 [ERROR] [ficate.internal.CertificateGenerator] -
> >>>> Failed to generate a new SSL Certificate.
> >>>> java.security.cert.CertificateException: Failed to generate the new
> >>>> certificate.
> >>>> [...]
> >>>> Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: 
> >>>> /var/openhab/userdata/etc/keystore
> >>>> (Permission denied)
> >>>> [...]
> >>>>
> >>>> and
> >>>>
> >>>> java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/openhab/userdata/etc/users.properties
> >>>> (Permission denied)
> >>> I fixed all this. There was an odd situation where changing the
> >>> owner/group resulted in files being 444 for certain subdirectories. For
> >>> example the /var/openhab/userdata/etc directory had all files marked
> >>> 444, but when the owner/group was not set it copied them over with
> >>> correct permissions. I don't know if this is a protection when
> >>> @owner/@group are set to default to 444 or an issue in the ports
> >>> framework. Setting @mode fixed this, but I was surprised it didn't
> >>> inherit the permissions from the tgz. Now all files are owned by root
> >>> except those that will change during runtime. I did some testing to find
> >>> out what broke and modified it manually. I didn't excercise every
> >>> function of openHAB so there will likely be more to change with future
> >>> testing.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks again for taking the time and helping during this process.
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Chaz
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Index: user.list
> >>>>> ===================================================================
> >>>>> RCS file: /cvs/ports/infrastructure/db/user.list,v
> >>>>> retrieving revision 1.436
> >>>>> diff -u -p -r1.436 user.list
> >>>>> --- user.list   5 Jan 2024 14:40:32 -0000       1.436
> >>>>> +++ user.list   7 Jan 2024 04:58:41 -0000
> >>>>> @@ -404,3 +404,4 @@ id  user            group           port
> >>>>>  893 _azorius           _azorius        www/azorius
> >>>>>  894 _gonic             _gonic          audio/gonic
> >>>>>  895 _soju              _soju           net/soju
> >>>>> +896 _openhab           _openhab        misc/openhab
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>

Here is the latest interation for comments/feedback. I'd still like to
break out to /var/lib/openhab/{conf,userdata} for 
${WRKDIST}/{conf,userdata} but getting the fake framework and PLIST was
still proving a challenge. I'm also working on fixing restart (need
seatbelts around start/stop since the wrapper scripts don't produce the
pid until they complete). Everything else should be updated based on

Thanks again for all the help.



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