Hey ports@,

I want to import the mpris2 plugin for the DeaDBeeF music player.

This allows mpris2 support in the music player, so ports like
multimedia/playerctl can interface with and operate DeaDBeeF.

A couple questions:

1. I put this in CATEGORY = audio, I'm unsure if this was the correct
location for a plugin like this. Is there a better (possibly more
suitable CATEGORY for this port?)
2. portcheck returns 
   the following libraries in WANTLIB look like masked by RUN_DEPENDS:
   gio-2.0 glib-2.0 gmodule-2.0 gobject-2.0 gthread-2.0 iconv intl ffi
   is this normal? I don't exactly know what this means or what I should
   do to suppress it if its not OK..

Any answers to the above questions would be appreciated.


Port is attached

izzy Meyer (they/them)


Attachment: deadbeef-plugin-mpris2.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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