Please ktrace and kdump | grep ILL, it should show the type of SIGILL. If you're on Intel 11th gen or newer there's a good chance it will be IBT-related.

Can you get any type of backtrace? Function names would give a clue as to where the problem lies.

 Sent from a phone, apologies for poor formatting.

On 11 March 2024 09:55:41 Laurence Tratt <> wrote:

Hello all,

On current, with packages upto date as of Saturday, I get a consistent
SIGILL with Google Meet and the 3 Chromium browsers I'm aware of (Chromium,
Iridium, Ungoogled-Chromium). It seems like it might be something to do
with webcam/video processing in these browsers, but I'm far from sure.

To replicate here's what I do:

 1. Open a new private window (this probably isn't important but force of
 habit, but does mean a somewhat more consistent setup).

 2. Go to and sign in.

 3. Start a new meeting, and enable both microphone and webcam. As soon as
 the main "you should be able to see everyone else screen" is about to
 start, I get SIGILL.

Interestingly, I can use the webcam successfully with other sites in these
browsers, and Meet works OK in Firefox.

Perhaps there's something odd about my setup that causes this --- has
anyone else encountered it?


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