Here are the last ports that need to be imported to activate KDE6.

- print-manager:

  Moved from KDE Gear x11/kde-applications/print-manager. This needs to
  be re-versioned to the lower 6.0 so I added EPOCH and "@pkgpath

- plasma-activities:

  Moved from Frameworks (Not in devel/kf6 instead they moved to Plasma).
  No conflicts with kf5.

- plasma-activities-stats:

  Moved from Frameworks (Not in devel/kf6 instead they moved to Plasma).
  No conflicts with kf5.

- libplasma:

  Moved from Frameworks (Not in devel/kf6 instead they moved to Plasma).
  No conflicts with kf5.

- kwayland:

  Moved from Frameworks (Not in devel/kf6 instead they moved to Plasma).
  No conflicts with kf5.

- plasma5support (NEW)
- kglobalacceld (NEW)
- ocean-sound-theme (NEW)

All attached ports are marked UNLINKED=kf6 so you need
BUILD_UNLINKED=kf6 in /etc/mk.conf

OK to import with UNLINKED=kf6?


Attachment: kde-plasma-kf6.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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