Tuomo Valkonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 2007-11-16 10:13 -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> Boy, that's a lot of "must"'s in that paragraph.  Sure sounds free.
> Typically "free" means: free for the herd to do anything, 
> including fucking the author in the arse. Straitjacket and 
> pain in the arse for the author who has to bear with the herd.

Yah, sucks to write free software, perhaps you should just stop.

> So, please, spare me of your ideology.

And spare us your gripes.


Sincerely, Craig Brozefsky              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
what a klon  - neko           http://www.red-bean.com/~craig
Less matter, more form!                       - Bruno Schulz
ignazz, I am truly korrupted by yore sinful tzourceware. -jb

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