Alpine is a screen-oriented message-handling tool.  In its default
configuration, Alpine offers an intentionally limited set of functions
geared toward the novice user, but it also has a large list of optional
"power-user" and personal-preference features.

An optional configuration file "pine.conf" can be put into /etc to set system wide defaults. The format of this file is identical to the .pinerc file that is auto-generated by Alpine in your home directory.

Available flavors:
        ldap - Build with support for LDAP

... and 2 more subpackages:

Pico is a simple, display-oriented text editor based on the Alpine
message system composer.  As with Alpine, commands are displayed at the
bottom of the screen, and context-sensitive help is provided.  As
characters are typed they are immediately inserted into the text.

Pilot is a simple, display-oriented file system browser based on the
Alpine message system composer.  As with Alpine, commands are displayed
at the bottom of the screen, and context-sensitive help is provided.

This port should hopefully replace mail/pine.

As usual, test, comment...


Attachment: alpine.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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