On 2007/12/13 14:48, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> check_sip is a Perl plugin for Nagios that uses sipsak to test
> whether a SIP host can reply to an OPTIONS 'ping' or handle a
> REGISTER request.
> I've been using it on OpenBSD for a few weeks (and other OS
> for much longer; you don't usually find OpenBSD on the super-
> low-cost colo boxes I had off-net monitoring running on :)
> The original code at http://isle.wumpus.org/src/nagios/check_sip
> has a copyright notice but no redistribution permissions granted;
> I asked the author if he could add a license (note to others in
> a similar situation: I left the choice open, though I suggested
> a standard license is easier than homebrew). He's kindly let me
> have a copy of the code under Perl's Artistic License.
> The upstream distribution isn't updated at this point, so I've
> mirrored it for now.
> any comments? ok to commit?


Attachment: check_sip.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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