When I tried to run make in /usr/ports/devel/jdk/1.7 (-current, after
"cvs up -Pd"), here's what I got:

# make
/bin/sh: no closing quote
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/jdk/1.7 (line 1650 of

So.  More checking:

# make -n
echo "===>  jdk-1.7.0.b19p0 "is marked as broken: \n You must read and
accept Sun's JRL license located\n at
/usr/ports/devel/jdk/1.7/files/JavaResearchLicense.txt\n To indicate
your acceptance of the JRL add ACCEPT_JRL_LICENSE=Yes\n to /etc/mk.conf
and restart the build"."

So, the short version is, here is the change required to the Makefile to
have this work as expected:

--- Makefile.orig       Wed Jan 16 13:24:30 2008
+++ Makefile    Wed Jan 16 13:37:06 2008
@@ -117,10 +117,10 @@

 .if ${ACCEPT_JRL_LICENSE:L} != "yes"
-BROKEN += \n
-BROKEN += You must read and accept Sun's JRL license located\n
-BROKEN += at ${FILESDIR}/JavaResearchLicense.txt\n
-BROKEN += To indicate your acceptance of the JRL add
+BROKEN += \\n
+BROKEN += You must read and accept Sun\'s JRL license located\\n
+BROKEN += at ${FILESDIR}/JavaResearchLicense.txt\\n
+BROKEN += To indicate your acceptance of the JRL add
 BROKEN += to /etc/mk.conf and restart the build

After the above change, here is the result:

# make
===>  jdk-1.7.0.b19p0 is marked as broken:
 You must read and accept Sun's JRL license located
 at /usr/ports/devel/jdk/1.7/files/JavaResearchLicense.txt
 To indicate your acceptance of the JRL add ACCEPT_JRL_LICENSE=Yes
 to /etc/mk.conf and restart the build.

Now, I don't really understand why this should be considered "broken"
rather than an error condition for a requirement that is not satisfied,
but maybe that's a philosophical issue.  At least I can now update
/etc/mk.conf and get on with building the JDK.

Shane Castle

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