On Tuesday 18 March 2008 2:52:08 am Nikolay Sturm wrote:
> Hi,
> attached is a port of thinkingrock:
> Thinking Rock is a free software application for collecting and
> processing your thoughts following the GTD methodology.
> The archive contains a patched java.port.mk which will be committed
> soon. Feedback welcome.

This is a pure java app requiring a jdk or jre 1.5 or greater. You can use
javaPathHelper to make launching on OpenBSD work for any jdk or jre that
satisfies the RUN_DEPEND. For example:

- change MODJAVA_VER to 1.5+
- add the depend on javaPathHelper
- replace the existing patch for patch-platform6_lib_nbexec with the one in
- adjust patch-bin_thinkingrock to do something like this:

JAVA_HOME=`javaPathHelper -h thinkingrock`

export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

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