On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 10:13:54AM +0200, Alexander Hall wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm having trouble with automated package updating using the swedish mirror 
> (ftp.eu.openbsd.org, aka ftp.su.se). It seems that the server is not 
> responding correctly to the "nlist *.tgz" command in 
> OpenBSD::PackageRepository.
> While stuff like "nlist a*.tgz" works, "nlist *.tgz" does not. Even "nlist 
> [a-z]*.tgz" works. :) See below. A wild guess would be that there is some 
> limitation of the number of rows returned or so.
> Is this a common limit that should be worked around in PackageRepository or 
> is this only a problem for this specific server? The latter, I suppose?
> /Alexander

Any sensible ftp server has a limit. OpenBSD ftpd has a limit of
GLOB_LIMIT (see glob(3)), which translates to a maximum of 256k of
bytes allocated for the file list. I do not know which ftpd
ftp.eu.openbsd.org is using. 

> $ ftp ftp://ftp.eu.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/packages/i386/ 
> Connected to afs-ftp1.it.su.se.
> 220 afs-ftp1.it.su.se FTP server (Version 6.00+Heimdal 1.0.1) ready.
> 331 Guest login ok, type your name as password.
> 230-
> 230-    Welcome to Stockholm university ftp service
> 230-
> 230-    - ftp.se.kernel.org
> 230-    - internet drafts & rfc's
> 230-    - heimdal,kth-krb,arla
> 230-
> 230-
> 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
> Remote system type is UNIX.
> Using binary mode to transfer files.
> 200 Type set to I.
> 250 CWD command successful.
> ftp> nlist aut*.tgz
> 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 'file list'.
> autobook-1.5p0.tgz
> autoconf-2.13p0.tgz
> autoconf-2.52p2.tgz
> autoconf-2.54p2.tgz
> autoconf-2.56p1.tgz
> autoconf-2.57p1.tgz
> autoconf-2.58p2.tgz
> autoconf-2.59p2.tgz
> autoconf-2.60p2.tgz
> autoconf-2.61p2.tgz
> autogen-5.8.7p0.tgz
> automake-1.4.6.tgz
> automake-1.8.5p1.tgz
> automake-1.9.6p2.tgz
> autossh-1.3.tgz
> 226 Transfer complete.
> ftp> nlist *.tgz
> 550 not found
> ftp> quit
> 221 Goodbye.

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