On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 03:34:18PM +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:

> I tried  
> my best, until I ran out of time.

do you really think applying the patches to your local installation(s)
takes more time than figuring out what in the whole ports tree needs
to be patched, making the patches, testing them and publishing them?

and you're also asking for some kind of script to automate the

that's why I'm saying you're whining.

*you* could:

a) apply all the patches.  really, how long does this take?  you
   only need 1 ports tree per release and then share it to all your
   machines via cvs or rsync or what-have-you.  maybe instead of
   "encouraging" someone "in the know" to write some "glue" script,
   you should be looking at your administrative practices?

or, if you want to help others too:

b) host a cvs server and give these guys accounts.  you're a sysadmin,
   this should be right up your alley.

or simply

c) publish a cvs tree with all the patches applied.

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