Quoting Landry Breuil ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> make port-lib-depends-check complains :
> Extra:         X11.11
> Extra:         Xext.10
> Extra:         usbhid.3
> Maybe a local problem, my system is from last week pre-hackathon
> snapshot, and i see those libraries in ldd `which openttd`.

Same here.  I don't know what's up.  Anyone?

> Was there a reason to move those lines around ? for me, this should only
> be smth like :

Errm, none other than I commented them out and enabled them again one
at a time, moving them up while doing so, and I enabled them from the
bottom.. and was too lazy to change it back. (:

> I also don't see the point of patches/patch-Makefile_in, as we do more
> or less the same in post-install target.. rebubilding without it to see
> if it changes something.

It makes openttd not install some docs in share/openttd/docs/ or some
place like that.

Thanks for looking this over and testing.


The shortest unit of time in the multiverse is the New York Second,
defined as the period of time between the traffic lights turning green
and the cab behind you honking.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies)

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