
On Tue, 29.07.2008 at 21:32:18 -0600, Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps whoever the maintainer is will merge this in time.

I hope so. Unfortunately, I feel unable to do this myself, but I also
wanted to avoid this getting lost, as I had not seen anything in the
CVS. Damien was kind enough to send the desired message.

>     Would you rather have a good release that has good quality
>     integration between packages
> or
>     One that has the latest python?
> You can't always have both.  

I primarily wanted to not see OpenBSD ship packages with known security
problems, two of them seemed like a good match for "high profile". I
was unaware about the state of Python in OpenBSD prior to Damien's

FWIW, the list was taken from a recent DSA, but you already knew that.

Other than that (this is more a general QA question): Are there any
known methods to (formally/automatically?) check for package
integration wrt. Python? I mean, something like a "system-wide" test

Kind regards,

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