Simon Kuhnle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Oh, nice, thank you :-)

No problem. Sometimes, you should just ask upstream instead of adding
more patches, especially if it's an alpha. :)

> The only other patch patches the gajim starter shellscript to use
> /bin/sh and not /bin/bash, so I don't need bash as a dependency.
> -#!/bin/bash
> +#!/bin/sh

Ugh, that's an evil one, indeed. I just always python
(well, I don't, but my startscript does, thus I never noticed.

> -exec -a gajim ${PYTHON_EXEC} -OO $@
> +exec ${PYTHON_EXEC} -OO $@

That -a is used so the process is displayed as being Gajim. Do you know of a
portable way for that? Otherwise I'd need to somehow check if it's bash
and only then do that.
> as the shell doesn't have the -a flag.

Yes, it's a bash extension.

> No big deal, as -a only changes the name of the process AFAIK.

Exactly. That makes it possible to use pkill gajim :).


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