On 2008-12-10, Matthias Kilian <k...@outback.escape.de> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 07, 2008 at 11:48:06PM -0600, Jeff Wheeler wrote:
>> >Kili discussed this:
>> >http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=122056776110888&w=2
>> Thanks, I appreciate the link, although I'm somewhat disappointed with  
>> the contents.
>> I'm a newbie, and OpenBSD seems like a great OS, but I've been scared  
>> off a bit by the harsh tone in a lot of messages, including the linked  
>> one [...]
> I just described the procedure of building a recent GHC, the problems
> you'll run into when working on the port, and some of of the general
> problems with GHC that caused lots of trouble in the past.
> Some of my mails on the Haskell mailing lists were much more harsh,
> yet Simon Peyton-Jones told me that I was probably too quite and
> polite in the past ;-)
>> Anyways, thanks for the help! I'll try to play with a FreeBSD/NetBSD- 
>> esque solution on my local machine, despite ugliness.
> We probably will do something similar for OpenBSD, but a little bit
> cleaner and only until ghc-6.12 will be released (probably autumn
> 2009): I've prepared a "minimalistic" port based on ghc-6.6, that
> will be used for building ghc-6.10. Jona Joachim sent me his work
> on ghc-6.10 built with the mini-ghc-6.6, and I really hope to look
> at it soon (sorry for having nearly no spare time recently).  It
> should be possible to get a working ghc-6.10 for OpenBSD within
> this month, but still only for i386 and amd64. But then there may
> still be ports that just don't compile with ghc-6.10 -- Jona mentioned
> problems with xmonad, and IIRC the developers of darcs had some
> trouble getting darcs built with ghc-6.10 (this may be fixed now).

Yes, xmonad 0.8 does not compile with ghc-6.10, you have to use the darcs
version of xmonad. I haven't tried to compile darcs with 6.10 yet.

If somebody wants to take a look or test, here is a work in progress port for
ghc and a proof of concept port for xmonad:

It should work on i386 and amd64. It's not ready for prime time but I don't have
any spare time either ATM.

Best regards,

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