Am 10.01.2009 um 01:59 schrieb viq:

Any news on that? BTW, there's 0.12.1 out.

0.12.1 only fixes file transfers. I've given up fixing that timeout bug because whatever I do, there's always someone complaining like "But then I won't notice within 5 sec that my connection is down!" (Asterix, the project leader, among them), which is, IMO, not interesting at all and a stable connection is far more important IMO. What benefit do you get from disconnecting if you can't reconnect anyway?

I did several patches, one increasing the timeouts to sane values, another enabling TCP/IP keepalives and decreasing the values when on Linux etc. It seems it will take a long time until there's something everybody is happy with. I guess in the end we will end with something that dynamically changes the values based on the connection quality or something like that.


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