Jacob Meuser wrote:
On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 12:02:20PM +0200, Markus Hennecke wrote:
On Mon, 12 Oct 2009, Edd Barrett wrote:

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:57:20AM +0200, Markus Hennecke wrote:
Like Marc already pointed out I am using SDL so that the resolution
is switched to a smaller one while playing videos full screen. I'll
check if I can achive the same effect with the x11 driver.
Thanks, please report back, so I can try the same thing on a sparc64.
Looks like it is equal fast, but the usability is not existant with the x11 driver. SDL will start the movie in a window and I can press 'f' which will change the screen resolution and gives me a full screen view of the movie without window decorations. The -vm option together with the x11 driver will a) switch immediatly to a new resolution and b) let my window manager position the window somewhere on the screen. Not good, I can tell mplayer to not grab the mouse pointer and then the window is movable (as long as it is still visible in the smaller section of the screen that is shown). I'm sure that I can work around the window positioning problem, but I would really miss switching from "full screen" to window mode back and forth. So for now I would opt for keeping the SDL flavor.

Kind regards,

so, basically you want pressing 'f' to get you full screen in a smaller
than normal video mode?

Right. Small things make me happy.

Perhaps there is already such a thing in mplayer and I did not find it?

Kind regards,

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