neal hogan wrote:
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 01:26:33AM -0600, Wade Williams wrote:

returns "directory not found".

Has it been found in the past? Try:

Oh, most definitely. I for one use it all the time, and I actually find myself quite lost in cyberspace at the moment. :-)

The FTP site doesn't help when you are for example looking for a package you don't know the name of, while the web page with its short package descriptions is invaluable as a search tool.

I have looked around for information as to why the pages are missing but have drawn a blank so far (and by the way, none of the versions 4.4_packages - 4.6_packages are available to me at the time of this writing).

So I wonder, have I missed something fundamental such as they have moved to a different location (but that is contradicted by the fact that the links in the FAQ still points to the now-missing pages) or that there are better ways of searching the package/ports database? Otherwise, regard this as a bug report for the web site. :-)

Best regards,


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