
I would appreciate any comments on my port.


[doug...@openbsd-i386:sysutils]$ pkg_info dtpstree
Information for inst:dtpstree-1.0.2

display a tree of processes

DT PS Tree shows running processes as a tree. It is a reimplementation
of pstree from PSmisc for FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD, and
possibly other modern BSD variants. It also works without /proc and will
show the full set of processes in a jail even if init is not present.

Maintainer: Douglas William Thrift <doug...@douglasthrift.net>

WWW: http://code.douglasthrift.net/trac/dtpstree
Douglas William Thrift

Attachment: dtpstree.tgz
Description: Binary data

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