Excerpts from Jacob Meuser's message of Sat Aug 14 04:33:21 -0700 2010:
> On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 08:49:30AM -0700, Ryan Freeman wrote:
> > One thing to note is fraggle's efforts to add support for openbsd's
> > OPL device driver, and a software OPL emulator to play back doom's
> > music as closely as possible to the way it would have originally
> > sounded back in 1993 with the appropriate audio card :)
> opl(4) was removed from the kernel not long ago.
> from the chololate-doom README.OPL: 
>   === OpenBSD/NetBSD ===
>   You must be running as root to access the hardware OPL directly.
> also, opl(4) didn't seem to work with cmpci(4).  I asked a couple years
> ago for eso(4) testing and didn't get much response.  I recently asked
> for testing of several ISA cards that have opl(4), even particularly
> ym(4), and got no replies *at all*.

my bad, i had received this information from Simon Howard directly
in one of my many conversations with him, and i must have heard 
incorrectly. i revisited the opl(4) issue (and lack thereof) with
him and realized my error; it doesn't use any kernel drivers, the
game itself has the option of accessing opl hardware directly
via ioport access. hence requiring root access. ignore hardware
opl(4) things. the software opl emulator it provides by default
anyhow is quite authentic sounding.

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