
this is the port of buzhug, a pure-Python database engine, using a Pythonic, 
no-SQL syntax.

Critical positive or negative would be appreciated ;-).

Few information :

$ pkg_info buzhug
Information for inst:buzhug-1.8

pure-Python database engine

buzhug is a fast, pure-Python database engine, using a syntax that
Python programmers should find very intuitive. The data is stored and
accessed on disk (it is not an in-memory database) ; the implementation
has been designed to make all operations, and especially selection, as
fast as possible with an interpreted language.

Maintainer: Remi Pointel <remi.poin...@xiri.fr>

WWW: http://buzhug.sourceforge.net/




Attachment: buzhug-1.8.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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