This is very sad, because I'm really hoping Metalink will become a wider
standard.  (Look it up on Wikipedia if you're not familiar with it.)

cURL and Wget will support it /eventually/, but something else is needed
in the meantime.  None of the major Metalink clients are easy for a
relative noob like me to install manually:

* aria2 version 1.10.3 ("stable") won't compile under OpenBSD 4.7 stable
  (see  I found a post on this mailing
  list from 2006, subject "NEW: net/aria2 (0.9.0)", but that port is no
  longer there, and the old binary doesn't work.

* wxDownload Fast (aka wxdfast) version 0.6.0 wouldn't compile either
  (see  I have wxWidgets-gtk2-2.8.10p0
  installed via pkg_add.

* mulk 0.5.1 `./configure` dies with "cannot compile without libcurl",
  even though I have curl installed from ports (and there is no libcurl
  port).  Don't have the time to figure this out right now.

* CPAN doesn't have anything related to metalink.  Pylibmetalink 0.1.1
  didn't install via easy_install-2.5 or manually, even after I tweaked to remove '-Wextra' (see  The
  Python library at seems OK.

* I didn't yet try any of the Qt (KGet), XUL (FlashGot, DownThemAll),
  emulated (Wine), or Java-based (Phex, Retriever, JDownloader), clients
  because I need something light.  I also didn't yet try "(pre)alpha"
  clients like Gget, Celerius, and Snappy.  There's a complete list at:

Am I doing something wrong?  Is anyone working on porting any of those?

Best regards,
Alex Libman

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