Hello list.
This is a draft port of X11 DM called Orthos. It was inspired by SLiM
(which is already in the ports.) and have some code of the very early
version of slim (althought it was totally rewritten in latest -master,
but i didn't check it's state yet and so didn't use it for porting yet.
There is stable 0.2 version also, but it provides only demo theme and is
very outdated).
It's a very lightweight like slim, but contrast to it and many other
managers, Orthos uses *animated* OpenGL-rendered themes, which actually
are dynamic libs by themselves.
If you're using card supported by intel(4) or radeon(4) with
working DRM and 3D acceleration this is very candy-eye looking thing.
I hope you'll enjoy.
You have some options that can be used
in your config file to change theme looking, but most of customization
can be done via source editing and recompilation of the theme file.

What was implemented:
- setlogin() was added to bypass software that do getlogin() to decide
the user name. Sample of such software is OpenCVS (behaviour can be
seen when trying sudoing cvs commands from user for example). Came from
patch for slim (http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=127870796517767&w=2)
- Feed MIT magic cookie into xauth via pipe, not via shell args. Use
new algorithm of magic cookie generation. Came from

Caveats of this dirty draft:
- It's an almost a WIP project (latest stable version doesn't
contain anything interesting, so i didn't port it). Just for your try;
- It uses python-based Scons system for building when the main
software written in C++ (almost non-OO code although) (and latest
-master sources requires bunch of tools (libtooliz from libtool and
autoconf)). Both of solutions are quite ugly, it's better to use plain
Makefiles and build by BSD make;
- Don't do make plist. Included PLIST is custom, because most of
customization of the themes and orthos settings are done via source
modifications, so i install settings, binary and themes files and
binaries as example files!

Hi all,

here's an updated version of slim, a lightweight replacement for xdm
(http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=117414110820888&w=2), which finally
works fine for me (no more tty conflicts with getty, it uses vt05 like
xdm). I'd like some user-level feedback, report weird behaviour and
Tom, can you test this one ? Do you still want to be MAINTAINER ?
A subpackage with themes is being worked too :)


Attachment: orthos_port-0.2m.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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