On 2011/01/19 23:57, Vadim Zhukov wrote:
> I hope then this update from 09.01 will have opportunity to go in...

Please don't take this the wrong way as I don't mean any offense
(and although I'm replying to your mail, I mean this to apply to
anyone thinking of sending an update at this time) - what in
particular does this update bring that would make it important
that it makes 4.9, and if it's something that can be narrowed
down to a manageable patch, can it be done in a way that's
easier to check than a version update?

There are hundreds of ports which could be updated (or small
fixes made which make for a better user experience) and no way
will they all make it, so we need to direct review time towards
those diffs that will seriously improve the quality and
consistency of the next OpenBSD release with minimal risk,
with priority given to things that are likely to benefit
a larger number of people.


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