On 01/07/2011, Nigel Taylor <njtay...@asterisk.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> On 06/30/11 23:07, Brett wrote:
>> On 06/30/11 14:52, Nigel Taylor wrote:
>>> On 06/30/11 22:01, Brett wrote:
>>>> >
>>>>> You can grab the port here :
>>>>> git clone -b tb5http://rhaalovely.net/git/mozilla-thunderbird/
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I just tried to build/test the thunderbird 5 on i386, June 24 snapshot:
>>>> # git clone -b tb5 http://rhaalovely.net/git/mozilla-thunderbird
>>>> Cloning into mozilla-thunderbird...
>>>> # pwd
>>>> /usr/ports/mystuff/www
>>>> # ls
>>>> mozilla-thunderbird
>>>> # cd mozilla-thunderbird/
>>>> # make install
>>>> Fatal: one category in mail news lang/python should match
>>>> PKGPATH=www/mozilla-thunderbird (in www/mozilla-thunderbird)
>>>> *** Error code 1

> Brett,
> Should have spotted that, it's not www for mozilla-thunderbird, it goes
> under mail.
> Regards
> Nigel Taylor

OK, I will give it another go on the weekend and report back the
results for i386.

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