On Jul 03 13:24:43, Brad wrote:
> On 03/07/11 3:46 AM, Jan Stary wrote:
> >On Jul 01 19:08:47, Brad wrote:
> >>On 01/07/11 6:18 PM, Jan Stary wrote:
> >>>>audio/sox
> >>>
> >>>I will take care of audio/sox. In fact, I have an update for
> >>>audio/sox ready, as my main motivation for porting AMR was
> >>>to have AMR functionality in SoX.
> >>
> >>Make sure to update the license marker in the Makefile to
> >>GPLv3+.
> >
> >Why? Sox 14.3.2 comes with GPLv2, the sox libraries come with LGPLv2.1.
> >Now it contains new functionality of the opencore-amr that comes with
> >Apache License 2.0; why does it make GPLv3 the right thing for
> >the SoX port?
> Because you cannot add opencore-amr to the SoX port if its under
> GPLv2. The licenses are incompatible.

Yes; but how does GPLv3 make it compatible?
opencore-amr itself is under Apache License 2.0.
Why does it mean that a package of SoX that uses
opencore-amr should be under GPLv3? Does GPLv3
somehow incorporate the Apache License?  I don't
mean I am against it; I just want to understand.

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