On 2011-10-12, Benny Lofgren <bl-li...@lofgren.biz> wrote:
> Hi!
> I've noticed that the PHP packages for httpd in base that used to
> be under www/php5 are gone in current.
> lang/php/5.2 remains, but I've failed to figure out how to use that
> in conjunction with httpd.
> Does it have anything to do with the recent work incorporating nginx
> in base? Or is it perhaps related to this change?
> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/current.html#20110714

Yes, exactly. That should help you through an upgrade.

> What's the recommended procedure now to install PHP 5.2 for httpd
> from ports?

For a new install:

pkg_add -i php
choose 5.2
follow the instructions

If you need more than this, please make notes and let us know what
else is needed so that the upgrade documentation can be improved,
I am pretty sure this change is going to cause problems for some
people so if there's anything we can add to the docs that would
help, it would be useful to know what..

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