* Stuart Henderson on Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 03:27:15PM +0100:
> In the attached tar.gz is a port for:-
> +-- -- -- -- -- -- --
> | Slaves to Armok: God of Blood, Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress, most commonly 
> | known simply as "Dwarf Fortress", is a freeware computer game by Bay 12 
> Games
> | set in a high fantasy universe that combines aspects of roguelike and city-
> | building games and is primarily known for its unique level of complexity and
> | difficulty. The title of the game is inspired by its primary focus on the
> | construction, management, and exploration of dwarven fortresses within the
> | game world.
> | 
> | Dwarf Fortress is a single-player fantasy game. You can control a dwarven
> | outpost or an adventurer in a randomly generated, persistent world. The
> | world is randomly generated with distinct civilizations spanning over 1000
> | years of detailed history, dozens of towns, hundreds of caves and regions
> | with various wildlife. The world persists as long as you like, over many
> | games, recording historical events and tracking changes. 
> | 
> | The user interface is text-based, implemented as bitmaps rendered with
> | OpenGL. It is provided as object code only, running under Linux emulation.
> | 
> | The game is complex; see http://df.magmawiki.com/ for a guide.
> +-- -- -- -- -- -- --

Wow, great news! That's one of the very few things for which I still
have too keep a Windows machine around.

The port builds without problems on i386, and the game starts ok.
It all seems to run smoothly. I say 'seem', since I'm still waiting for
worldgen to complete, but I'm confident.

Thanks for the ports -- this was actually the tipping point which
finally convinced me that it's now about time to upgrade... :o)



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