On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 01:46:58PM +0100, Andre Keller wrote:
> Hi
> I lately started using dpb for building a subset of ports
> automagically. I now run into problems with building some openldap
> dependent ports.
> The point is I don't have ACCEPT_JRL_LICENSE=Yes in my /etc/mk.conf,
> because I actually do not need java. When I build by hand I just
> build "databases/db/v4" with (pseudo-) FLAVOR="no_java" and then
> build openldap and everything is fine.
> I added "databases/db/v4,no_java" to the pkgpath's but dpb does not
> seem to take no_java pseudo-flavor into account when trying to
> resolv dependencies and still tries to build devel/jdk/1.6.
> Is this expected behaviour?
> I "resolved" the problem by adjusting the db/v4 port so it does not
> use/build/wants java anymore, but that does not seem to be a very
> clean solution :-)

Does look like "BUILD_ONCE=Yes" behavior, which does kick in when
dpb is invoked with -a.

Since you don't describe the command line used for firing up dpb, I'll
have to assume that's what's going on.

Notice the "bootstrap" pseudo-flavor in databases/db/v4 ?
no go read through bsd.port.arch.mk(5) and dpb(1)... ;)

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