I like FILESDIR as it is. Why cruft up the port top level?

I don't feel strongly enough to argue it, however.
On Dec 29, 2011 3:58 PM, "Antoine Jacoutot" <ajacou...@bsdfrog.org> wrote:

> Hi.
> So after chatting with espie we came to the conclusion than putting
> additionnal files under FILESDIR isn't really worth it.
> Despites a handfull number of ports that have >=8 files in that directory,
> most ports only have 1 to 3 files.
> Our idea is to move these files to the current directory (where the port
> Makefile is) for simplicity instead of creating 1 extra directory to put 1
> extra file.
> As agreed with espie, I will do the work but before I go I want to make
> sure there are no hard objections to this.
> Now is the time to speak-up :)
> --
> Antoine

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