On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 02:57:48PM +0200, Pascal Stumpf wrote:
> Plan 9 is a distributed computing environment built at Bell Labs
> starting in the late 1980s. The system can be obtained from Bell
> Labs at http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9 and runs on PCs and a
> variety of other platforms. Plan 9 became a convenient platform for
> experimenting with new ideas, applications, and services.
> Plan 9 from User Space provides many of the ideas, applications,
> and services from Plan 9 on Unix-like systems. It runs on FreeBSD
> (x86), Linux (x86 and PowerPC), Mac OS X (PowerPC), OpenBSD (x86),
> and SunOS (Sparc).
> This has been in openbsd-wip for a while.  With the exception of 9pfuse,
> it is mostly functional (needs rthreads), but it still needs testing on
> powerpc.  It installs into its own hierarchy in ${PREFIX}/plan9, with
> the '9' command symlinked to ${PREFIX}/bin.  If you want to use the
> Plan9 tools, you can either just use '9 [cmd]' or set PLAN9 in your
> environment to point to the root of the plan9port tree and put
> $PLAN9/bin into your PATH (in that case, be aware of the consequences
> though ...).

So after testing on ppc, it doesnt build there (see attached full log)

cd /usr/obj/ports/plan9port-20120508/plan9/src/libthread; mk all
9c -O2 -pipe  -Wall -pthread OpenBSD-power-asm.S
OpenBSD-power-asm.S: Assembler messages:
OpenBSD-power-asm.S:103: Error: unsupported relocation against SYS_rfork
mk: 9c -O2 -pipe ...  : exit status=exit(1)
mk: for i in ...  : exit status=exit(1)

Not 100% uptodate but i have rthreads there:
OpenBSD 5.1-current (GENERIC) #201: Wed Jun  6 14:56:55 MDT 2012

interestingly, even if the build fails it proceeds to fake step, so
thebuild system doesnt properly report errors..

I also noted that during fake :
install -c -s -o root -g bin -m 555
File format not recognized

It also needs no_regress=yes... or a proper do-regress target, if
there arectual tests.


Attachment: plan9-ppc.log.gz
Description: application/gunzip

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