On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 5:19 PM, Artturi Alm <artturi....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Installed and working.
> Things i would do is remove cvsweb3/patches/patch-css_cvsweb_css.orig,
> and maybe shorten the long readme by compacting some commands,
> and leaving out unnecessary comments, since the beginning of README
> and file paths should make things obvious enough to anyone installing.
> Atleast for me, with the patch below for the first part of readme which is
> not
> optional, allows it to fit in one page on less(1) with relatively small
> laptop
> screen, making it easier to follow.
> to save anyone else from searching, the port files are here:
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=133976163531264&w=2


I integrated some of your remarks.
For the general structure, I tend to prefer the original cvsweb2 README
Anyway, the updated port can be found here :

There are some other improvements, like the CSS finally cleaned with the
openbsd.org cvsweb style, and other things in the README like considering
cvsweb chrooted by default.

There doesn't seem to be a big interest in the community in updating cvsweb
to version 3. If people are interested, they can always find the port at
the address above.

Thanks for your comments.

Mattieu Baptiste
"/earth is 102% full ... please delete anyone you can."

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