"Gonzalo L. R." writes:
> Hi,
> Update for gource to 0.39:
> * New dep devel/boost
> * New dep graphics/glm (thanks sthen@)
> * GROFF is not needed
> * And others on homepage.

I get a crash on amd64 and i386 with any Git repository (e.g., a checkout
of openbsd-wip). This didn't occur with the old version.

$ gource
IRQ's not enabled, falling back to busy waits: 0 11
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid
Abort trap (core dumped) 

A workaround is to unset LC_CTYPE (en_US.UTF-8 on my system). If I unset
LC_CTYPE, it doesn't crash. If I try with your XML example, it also
doesn't crash.

Anthony J. Bentley

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