On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 12:32:12PM +0300, Timo Myyrä wrote:
> I've had WIP port of chicken in the openbsd-wip tree for a while:
> https://github.com/jasperla/openbsd-wip/tree/master/lang/chicken

I will take a look. Thanks.

> I haven't yet found a way to properly address the shared library version.
> The installed version number is correct in the port but the deployment doesn't
> work. It still uses the old binary version.

> If I modify csc.scm copy-libraries function to use ".6.0" then the
> build fails.

I think, it is because of csc.c need to be regenerated from csc.scm.
(Makefile rules try to rebuild it atomatically). But for that it need
chicken to be installed (or just chicken-boot).

> I didn't notice anything else wrong in my port.

As your BINARYVERSION is upstream, this reduce worng things to append
now: I think only deploy should be impacted: the library isn't found as
the name that chicken expects is not used. 

In my case, I try to redefine BINARYVERSION to LIBchicken_VERSION, in
order to keep extensions in correct directory. This expose more problems
now, but link more efficiently extensions with library: what would
append if you need to bump LIBchicken_VERSION whereas BINARYVERSION
remains the same ? Extensions still leave here, whereas they may be

Sébastien Marie

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