On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 3:01 AM, Mikolaj Kucharski

> I've tried and no joy -- regress is not happy, and regress is doing here
> some really invasive stuff, which will probably fail with systrace
> (untested). I'm attaching the output from make test. Also, below patch
> contains my debugging patches, which should probably be removed, but I
> kept them, so someone more experienced with Ruby and Ruby ports could
> have a look what should be done with that part of code, if anything
> actually needs to be done.

Most of the remaining failures are due to other programs not being
found because of their extension (ruby/rackup/rake).  You could
probably fix this by adding them to post-extract.

The regress tests should probably be commented out by default,
since they are downloading gems.

Are you upgrading bundler because a dependency requires a newer
version, or just to get the most current version?  In either case, have
you verified the existing dependencies are OK with the newer version?


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