On 23 September 2013, Stuart Henderson <st...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> On 2013/09/22 00:10, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > Here's an update to vim (there was a recent release 7.4, and I've
> > pulled in the post-release patches as of now). Also to slightly
> > reduce size of the main package I've moved the non-English tutor
> > files to the -lang subpackage, along with the menus and manpages
> > which were already there.  (There's not a huge difference, but
> > seeing as this is something which plenty of users install on every
> > system, it's probably worthwhile).
> >
> > ckuethe, do you still want to stay listed as maintainer?
> >
> > Any test reports, comments, OKs?
> hmm, let's skip this for now, syntax highlighting is significantly
> slower than with 7.3.850. I'll send another diff, possibly for an
> earlier version, when I've worked out what's going on.

    It's the new non-backtracking regexp engine at work (see ":help
new-regexp-engine").  It's supposed to be faster than the old one for
complex patterns, but in practice it can be 10+ times slower for things
like syntax highlighting. :) You can turn it off completely with

        set re = 1

    If you have a file that illustrates pathologically slow highlighting
you might want to post it to the vim_dev list, so that the few
masochists who haven't turned off yet the new engine can analyse it and
improve the syntax patterns.  Upgrading the runtime files from Mercurial
does help somewhat, too.


    Liviu Daia

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