On Tue, Nov 05, 2013 at 05:42:43PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2013/11/05 18:30, Fabian Raetz wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > i've tried to port the .desktop file for editors/vim from Debian.
> > If this is something you are interested in, i have two question:
> > 
> > How do i update the plist correctly? This is my first port with multi 
> > packages & flavors
> > and make update-plist did not work for me.
> Just add it manually.
> > Also i'm not sure if the files should only be added to
> >  some flavors and how to archive this?
> This would need to only be added to those flavours which actually use X,
> you will need to also add a dependency on update-desktop-database, and
> the associated @exec/@unexec-delete lines (like those in other packages
> providing desktop files) in PFRAG.no-no_x11-main.

Hi again,

here is a updated diff. Is this something you can work with? 
If not i would be happy to incorporate more of your feedback!



Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/editors/vim/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.132
diff -u -p -r1.132 Makefile
--- Makefile    14 Oct 2013 22:13:21 -0000      1.132
+++ Makefile    5 Nov 2013 21:30:32 -0000
@@ -148,9 +148,24 @@ post-patch:
        touch ${WRKBUILD}/auto/config.mk
+.if ${FLAVOR:Mno_x11}
        ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/pf.vim ${FILESDIR}/openbsd.vim \
+RUN_DEPENDS+= devel/desktop-file-utils
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/pf.vim ${FILESDIR}/openbsd.vim \
+           ${PREFIX}/share/vim/${P}/syntax/
+       ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/applications
+       ${SUBST_CMD} -o ${SHAREOWN} -g ${SHAREGRP} -m ${SHAREMODE} -c \
+               ${FILESDIR}/gvim.desktop \
+               ${PREFIX}/share/applications/gvim.desktop
+       ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/vim-16.xpm ${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/vim-32.xpm ${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/vim.svg ${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps
 # convenience targets
Index: files/gvim.desktop
RCS file: files/gvim.desktop
diff -N files/gvim.desktop
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/gvim.desktop  5 Nov 2013 21:30:32 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+GenericName=Text Editor
+Comment=Edit text files
+Comment[af]=Redigeer tekslêers
+Comment[am]=የጽሑፍ ፋይሎች ያስተካክሉ
+Comment[ar]=حرّر ملفات نصية
+Comment[az]=Mətn fayllarını redaktə edin
+Comment[be]=Рэдагаваньне тэкставых файлаў
+Comment[bg]=Редактиране на текстови файлове
+Comment[bn]=টেক্স্ট ফাইল এডিট করুন
+Comment[bs]=Izmijeni tekstualne datoteke
+Comment[ca]=Edita fitxers de text
+Comment[cs]=Úprava textových souborů
+Comment[cy]=Golygu ffeiliau testun
+Comment[da]=Redigér tekstfiler
+Comment[de]=Textdateien bearbeiten
+Comment[el]=Επεξεργασία αρχείων κειμένου
+Comment[en_CA]=Edit text files
+Comment[en_GB]=Edit text files
+Comment[es]=Edita archivos de texto
+Comment[et]=Redigeeri tekstifaile
+Comment[eu]=Editatu testu-fitxategiak
+Comment[fa]=ویرایش پرونده‌های متنی
+Comment[fi]=Muokkaa tekstitiedostoja
+Comment[fr]=Édite des fichiers texte
+Comment[ga]=Eagar comhad Téacs
+Comment[gu]=લખાણ ફાઇલોમાં ફેરફાર કરો
+Comment[he]=ערוך קבצי טקסט
+Comment[hi]=पाठ फ़ाइलें संपादित करें
+Comment[hr]=Uređivanje tekstualne datoteke
+Comment[hu]=Szövegfájlok szerkesztése
+Comment[id]=Edit file teks
+Comment[it]=Modifica file di testo
+Comment[kn]=ಪಠ್ಯ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು
+Comment[ko]=텍스트 파일을 편집합니다
+Comment[lt]=Redaguoti tekstines bylas
+Comment[lv]=Rediģēt teksta failus
+Comment[mk]=Уреди текстуални фајлови
+Comment[ml]=വാചക രചനകള് തിരുത്തുക
+Comment[mn]=Текст файл боловсруулах
+Comment[mr]=गद्य फाइल संपादित करा
+Comment[ms]=Edit fail teks
+Comment[nb]=Rediger tekstfiler
+Comment[ne]=पाठ फाइललाई संशोधन गर्नुहोस्
+Comment[nl]=Tekstbestanden bewerken
+Comment[nn]=Rediger tekstfiler
+Comment[no]=Rediger tekstfiler
+Comment[or]=ପାଠ୍ଯ ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ସମ୍ପାଦନ କରନ୍ତୁ
+Comment[pa]=ਪਾਠ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਸੰਪਾਦਨ
+Comment[pl]=Edytor plików tekstowych
+Comment[pt]=Editar ficheiros de texto
+Comment[pt_BR]=Edite arquivos de texto
+Comment[ro]=Editare fişiere text
+Comment[ru]=Редактор текстовых файлов
+Comment[sk]=Úprava textových súborov
+Comment[sl]=Urejanje datotek z besedili
+Comment[sq]=Përpuno files teksti
+Comment[sr]=Измени текстуалне датотеке
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Izmeni tekstualne datoteke
+Comment[sv]=Redigera textfiler
+Comment[ta]=உரை கோப்புகளை தொகுக்கவும்
+Comment[tk]=Metin faýllary editle
+Comment[tr]=Metin dosyalarını düzenle
+Comment[uk]=Редактор текстових файлів
+Comment[vi]=Soạn thảo tập tin văn bản
+Comment[wa]=Asspougnî des fitchîs tecses
+Exec=${TRUEPREFIX}/bin/gvim -f %F
Index: files/vim-16.xpm
RCS file: files/vim-16.xpm
diff -N files/vim-16.xpm
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/vim-16.xpm    5 Nov 2013 21:30:32 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *magick[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 8 1",
+"  c Gray0",
+". c #000080",
+"X c #008000",
+"o c Green",
+"O c #808080",
+"+ c #c0c0c0",
+"@ c Gray100",
+"# c None",
+/* pixels */
+"##     o #    ##",
+"# @@@@@ X @@@@ #",
+"# +++++O  ++++O ",
+"## +++O X @++O #",
+"## +++O  @++O ##",
+"## +++O @++O  ##",
+"#o +++O@++O XX #",
+"oX +++@++O XXXX ",
+" X +++++  XXXX.#",
+"#  ++++ +   X ##",
+"## ++++   ++ + #",
+"## +++ ++ +++++ ",
+"## ++O  + + + + ",
+"## +O X + + + + ",
+"###  # ++ + + + ",
+"#######  # # # #"
Index: files/vim-32.xpm
RCS file: files/vim-32.xpm
diff -N files/vim-32.xpm
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/vim-32.xpm    5 Nov 2013 21:30:32 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * vim32x32[] = {
+"32 32 8 1",
+"      c None",
+".     c #000000",
+"+     c #00007f",
+"@     c #007f00",
+"#     c #00FF00",
+"$     c #7f7f7f",
+"%     c #CCCCCC",
+"&     c #FFFFFF",
+"               ..               ",
+"              .##.              ",
+"   ...........#@@#. .........   ",
+"  .&&&&&&&&&&&.@@@#.&&&&&&&&&.  ",
+"  .&%%%%%%%%%%%.@@@.&%%%%%%%%%. ",
+"   .%%%%%%%%%%$.@@@@.%%%%%%%%$. ",
+"    .$%%%%%%$$.@@@@@@.$%%%%%$$. ",
+"    .&%%%%%%$.@@@@@@.&%%%%%$$.  ",
+"    .&%%%%%%$.@@@@@.&&%%%%$$.   ",
+"    .&%%%%%%$.@@@@.&&%%%%$$.    ",
+"    .&%%%%%%$.@@@.&&%%%%$$.     ",
+"    .&%%%%%%$.@@.&&%%%%$$.#.    ",
+"   ..&%%%%%%$.@.&&%%%%$$.@@#.   ",
+"  .#.&%%%%%%$..&&%%%%$$.@@@@#.  ",
+" .#@.&%%%%%%$.&&%%%%$$.@@@@@@#. ",
+" .+@.&%%%%%%$%%%%$$.@@@@@@@@@+. ",
+"  .+.&%%%%%%%%%%...@@@@@@@@@+.  ",
+"   ..&%%%%%%%%%.%%.@@@@@@@@+.   ",
+"    .&%%%%%%%%%.%%.@@@@@@@+.    ",
+"    .&%%%%%%%%$...@...@......   ",
+"    .&%%%%%%%$.%%%.%%%.%%%.%%.  ",
+"    .&%%%%%%$$..%%..%%%%%%%%%%. ",
+"    .&%%%%%$$..%%...%%++%%..%.  ",
+"    .&%%%%$$.@.%%..%%+.%%..%%.  ",
+"    .&%%%$$.@@.%%..%%..%%..%%.  ",
+"    .&%%$$..+.%%..%%..%%..%%.   ",
+"     .%$$.  ..%%%.%%..%%..%%%.  ",
+"      ...    ....+..  ..  ...   ",
+"              .++.              ",
+"               ..               "};
Index: files/vim.svg
RCS file: files/vim.svg
diff -N files/vim.svg
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/vim.svg       5 Nov 2013 21:30:32 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
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258.65018,568.44721 z "
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292.95782,528.98442 292.50076,528.68029 z "
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376.60825,510.86442 L 373.95200,513.48942 L 378.32700,516.48942 L 
380.45200,508.58317 z "
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transform="matrix(13.65871,0.000000,0.000000,13.65871,-4673.626,-6841.970)" />
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277.16831,534.11745 278.80601,534.20542 L 282.33278,532.06025 L 
279.29593,530.98891 z "
+     id="path880"
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transform="matrix(13.65871,0.000000,0.000000,13.65871,-3345.564,-7154.425)" />
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251.59754,534.19884 253.48972,534.19138 L 256.88925,530.51932 L 
254.10688,531.07030 z "
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transform="matrix(13.65871,0.000000,0.000000,13.65871,-3345.564,-7154.425)" />
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253.52719,537.10875 254.08327,541.55626 254.59931,539.79953 C 
255.11535,538.04279 255.23438,531.45148 255.58681,531.64464 z "
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291.36082,533.27578 291.34994,532.89499 L 291.28631,530.31039 C 
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254.48309,533.12429 L 254.45045,!
 566.73056 C 254.41781,567.07871 254.48309,567.26366 254.74420,567.38334 L 
257.55115,567.38333 z "
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321.35842,565.88882 L 323.02292,565.84384 C 324.03512,565.79885 
324.37252,566.15874 324.10260,566.92351 C 323.67049,568.08991 
320.40726,573.39163 321.02489,574.46260 L 321.68105,575.28008 C 
321.95780,575.86082 321.31206,576.69605 320.95261,576.70421 L 
317.84948,576.73056 C 317.09221,576.73806 316.64984,575.95829 
316.99474,575.20102 z "
+       id="path1045"
+       sodipodi:nodetypes="cccccccccc"
+       transform="translate(46.57018,-30.91955)" />
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+       d="M 329.57316,565.57076 C 328.42945,565.36374 327.26323,565.42664 
326.20949,565.55702 C 325.79712,565.52706 325.63577,566.19587 
325.78573,566.66073 L 326.22323,567.53573 C 326.27967,568.24166 
326.63347,568.98513 323.12948,575.34823 C 322.78458,576.10550 
323.24720,576.88698 324.00448,576.87948 L 327.09823,576.84823 C 
327.45768,576.84007 328.09372,576.02274 327.81698,575.44198 L 
327.16073,574.62948 C 326.86234,574.11207 327.49811,572.58470 
328.25448,571.03573 C 329.34795,569.60002 330.61047,569.51877 
331.41073,569.50448 C 331.64943,569.55893 331.74631,569.83269 
331.81698,570.12948 C 331.41239,571.23985 330.89339,572.54228 
329.34823,575.34823 C 329.00333,576.10550 329.43471,576.88698 
330.19198,576.87948 L 333.31698,576.84823 C 333.67643,576.84007 
334.31248,576.02274 334.03573,575.44198 L 333.37948,574.62948 C 
333.07677,574.10457 333.73292,572.54576 334.50448,570.97323 C 
335.51570,569.52403 336.74067,569.50448 337.50448,569.50448 C 
337.80939,569.59831 337.87934,569.9833!
 4 337.87948,570.37948 C 337.45729,571.49363 337.03667,572.67936 
335.56698,575.34823 C 335.22208,576.10550 335.65347,576.88699 
336.41073,576.87948 L 339.50448,576.84823 C 339.86393,576.84007 
340.53124,576.02275 340.25448,575.44198 L 339.59823,574.62948 C 
338.98060,573.55851 341.46384,570.43775 342.18837,568.48405 C 
342.63824,567.08947 341.09462,565.86952 340.23988,565.59960 L 
337.88634,565.56337 C 337.46185,565.66019 337.37295,565.90474 
337.25619,566.34960 L 335.64596,566.33587 C 335.67764,565.92408 
335.57023,565.65210 335.26701,565.62210 L 332.80101,565.58587 C 
332.00550,565.56953 332.08418,565.85563 331.98215,566.34462 L 
329.58072,566.34566 C 329.71316,566.08736 329.71064,565.73908 
329.57316,565.57076 z "
+       id="path1046"
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+       transform="translate(46.57018,-30.91955)" />
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326.20949,565.55702 C 325.79712,565.52706 325.63577,566.19587 
325.78573,566.66073 L 326.22323,567.53573 C 326.27967,568.24166 
326.63347,568.98513 323.12948,575.34823 C 322.78458,576.10550 
323.24720,576.88698 324.00448,576.87948 L 327.09823,576.84823 C 
327.45768,576.84007 328.09372,576.02274 327.81698,575.44198 L 
327.16073,574.62948 C 326.86234,574.11207 327.49811,572.58470 
328.25448,571.03573 C 329.34795,569.60002 330.61047,569.51877 
331.41073,569.50448 C 331.64943,569.55893 331.74631,569.83269 
331.81698,570.12948 C 331.41239,571.23985 330.89339,572.54228 
329.34823,575.34823 C 329.00333,576.10550 329.43471,576.88698 
330.19198,576.87948 L 333.31698,576.84823 C 333.67643,576.84007 
334.31248,576.02274 334.03573,575.44198 L 333.37948,574.62948 C 
333.07677,574.10457 333.73292,572.54576 334.50448,570.97323 C 
335.51570,569.52403 336.74067,569.50448 337.50448,569.50448 C 
337.80939,569.59831 337.87934,569.98334 !
 337.87948,570.37948 C 337.45729,571.49363 337.03667,572.67936 
335.56698,575.34823 C 335.22208,576.10550 335.65347,576.88699 
336.41073,576.87948 L 339.50448,576.84823 C 339.86393,576.84007 
340.53124,576.02275 340.25448,575.44198 L 339.59823,574.62948 C 
338.98060,573.55851 341.46384,570.43775 342.18837,568.48405 C 
342.63824,567.08947 341.09462,565.86952 340.23988,565.59960 L 
337.88634,565.56337 C 337.46185,565.66019 337.37295,565.90474 
337.25619,566.34960 L 335.64596,566.33587 C 335.67764,565.92408 
335.57023,565.65210 335.26701,565.62210 L 332.80101,565.58587 C 
332.00550,565.56953 332.08418,565.85563 331.98215,566.34462 L 
329.58072,566.34566 C 329.71316,566.08736 329.71064,565.73908 
329.57316,565.57076 z "
+     id="path960"
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transform="matrix(13.65871,0.000000,0.000000,13.65871,-4041.013,-7266.029)" />
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415.19950,458.73284 C 409.56706,458.32362 407.36999,467.44595 
409.41825,473.79534 L 415.38700,485.76409 C 416.15790,495.40618 
420.99698,505.53985 373.13700,592.45159 C 369.62352,600.16588 
370.84654,606.23509 374.86142,612.46336 C 379.32681,615.91683 
384.54177,618.94358 390.04325,618.88909 L 432.29325,618.48284 C 
437.20287,618.37138 445.88566,607.19652 442.10575,599.26409 L 
433.13700,588.17034 C 429.06138,581.10319 437.74346,560.23352 
448.07450,539.07659 C 462.83321,519.69862 478.89634,515.66421 
489.84398,515.44752 C 488.80994,524.24494 479.17939,554.12593 
458.07450,592.45159 C 454.52436,600.24637 456.07746,607.30439 
460.56069,613.01612 C 464.46988,616.42005 469.08013,618.94320 
474.54325,618.88909 L 517.23075,618.48284 C 522.14037,618.37138 
530.82330,607.19652 527.04325,599.26409 L 518.07450,588.17034 C 
513.93987,581.00075 522.91099,559.71157 533.44950,538.23284 C 
547.02951,518.77104 562.44357,516.37971 !
 572.90648,516.36555 C 570.65997,538.04217 563.08607,555.99827 
543.01200,592.45159 C 539.46185,600.24637 540.55597,606.84540 
545.49819,612.55711 C 549.40740,615.96106 554.01770,618.94327 
559.48075,618.88909 L 601.73075,618.48284 C 606.64037,618.37138 
615.76093,607.19666 611.98075,599.26409 L 603.01200,588.17034 C 
594.57597,573.54227 624.85001,534.13094 634.74616,507.44592 C 
639.31935,492.90196 637.38543,484.78521 630.85982,475.99461 C 
623.00119,467.16850 613.13776,461.28902 606.82450,459.29534 L 
574.66825,458.82659 C 568.87026,460.14902 567.66929,463.46913 
566.07450,469.54534 C 566.07450,469.54534 546.87731,468.66591 
544.40851,468.38342 C 543.91302,465.17365 541.90491,459.90333 
538.91825,459.60784 L 505.23075,459.10784 C 494.36511,458.88465 
495.43685,462.80387 494.04325,469.48284 C 494.04325,469.48284 
465.24859,470.69919 464.26970,469.50071 C 463.08503,469.28628 
462.11593,460.11887 461.13700,458.92034 C 453.32620,457.50653 
445.43356,457.02391 437.69950,457.10784 z "
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320.09880,567.23842 C 320.04632,566.24872 320.26375,565.86633 
321.35842,565.88882 L 323.02292,565.84384 C 324.03512,565.79885 
324.37252,566.15874 324.10260,566.92351 C 323.67049,568.08991 
320.40726,573.39163 321.02489,574.46260 L 321.68105,575.28008 C 
321.95780,575.86082 321.31206,576.69605 320.95261,576.70421 L 
317.84948,576.73056 C 317.09221,576.73806 316.64984,575.95829 
316.99474,575.20102 z "
+       id="path955"
+       sodipodi:nodetypes="cccccccccc"
transform="matrix(13.65871,0.000000,0.000000,13.65871,-4041.013,-7266.029)" />
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+       d="M 372.96653,462.63909 L 350.21653,463.26409 C 335.26475,462.95691 
332.31222,468.18355 333.02903,481.70159 C 333.33635,491.84017 
340.70095,499.51190 290.62278,590.45159 C 281.58148,608.76634 
297.20888,616.45311 307.27903,616.85784 L 349.65403,616.51409 C 
354.56365,616.40264 363.37157,604.97750 359.59153,597.04534 L 
350.62278,585.88909 C 342.18675,571.26102 384.02914,500.22888 
389.93121,484.29737 C 392.38677,477.33999 391.53557,473.33846 
389.57205,469.45159 C 386.26357,464.53542 382.57594,462.21197 
372.96653,462.63909 z "
+       id="path935"
+       sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccccccccc" />
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+       d="M 385.80394 513.51428 A 2.0693774 2.2493234 0 1 0 
381.66518,513.51428 A 2.0693774 2.2493234 0 1 0 385.80394 513.51428 z"
transform="matrix(14.39068,0.000000,0.000000,14.39068,-5150.331,-6971.059)" />
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+       d="M 372.93976,388.65290 C 359.88015,388.65290 344.99456,404.26234 
344.99456,418.27383 C 344.99457,432.28532 345.89815,435.11510 
351.07043,444.71336 C 355.78370,454.31162 363.48358,456.18008 
376.53148,456.18008 C 389.57937,456.18008 406.31273,438.72412 
406.31273,424.72310 C 404.47669,411.18108 402.00710,405.92604 
396.10575,399.26409 C 389.85250,392.20488 385.99937,388.65290 
372.93976,388.65290 z "
+       id="path936"
+       sodipodi:nodetypes="czzzzsz" />
+  </g>
Index: pkg/PFRAG.no-no_x11-main
RCS file: /cvs/ports/editors/vim/pkg/PFRAG.no-no_x11-main,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -p -r1.4 PFRAG.no-no_x11-main
--- pkg/PFRAG.no-no_x11-main    16 Mar 2013 22:56:44 -0000      1.4
+++ pkg/PFRAG.no-no_x11-main    5 Nov 2013 21:30:32 -0000
@@ -8,3 +8,9 @@ bin/gvimtutor
 @man man/man1/evim.1
+@exec %D/bin/update-desktop-database
+@unexec-delete %D/bin/update-desktop-database

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