
Short story: the latest package snapshost (i386) is signed with
55pkg.pub, but the @signer in +CONTENTS is 54pkg.

Long story:

I upgraded to (near) latest base system (OpenBSD bert.local 5.5 GENERIC.MP#217 
And I tried to update my ports too, via packages.

My mirror is ftp://mirror.esc7.net/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/packages/i386/
It should be same state as ftp.openbsd.org (having same SHA256 in directory).

# pkg_add -aui                                                                  
pub fp: UQW0HmnVm5k=
sig fp: qMGXBLsGJhI=
signify: verification failed: checked against wrong key
system(/usr/bin/signify, -p, /etc/signify/54pkg.pub, -V, -m,
/tmp/pkgcontent.8ERtOK64G) failed: exit(1)
--- +quirks-1.106 -------------------
Bad signature
Fatal error: quirks-1.106 is corrupted
 at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PkgAdd.pm line 659.

To be sure about the error, I test the following:

# /usr/bin/signify -p /etc/signify/54pkg.pub -V -m /tmp/pkgcontent.8ERtOK64G 
pub fp: UQW0HmnVm5k=
sig fp: qMGXBLsGJhI=
signify: verification failed: checked against wrong key

OK, the key 54pkg is not the signer.

# /usr/bin/signify -p /etc/signify/55pkg.pub -V -m /tmp/pkgcontent.8ERtOK64G

So no error with 55pkg.pub, so the 55pkg is the signer.

But in the package, the registered signer is 54pkg.

# head /tmp/pkgcontent.8ERtOK64G
@comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2011/07/14 09:53:58 espie Exp $
@name quirks-1.106
@signer 54pkg
@digital-signature signify:2014-01-14T21:43:38Z
@option always-update
@comment pkgpath=devel/quirks cdrom=yes ftp=yes
@arch *
@sha ZcShuBxD9cPsWmJce9rnoKKlC4qYQve7PwElfX/uk8Q=
@size 348

Sébastien Marie

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