Hello all,

While working with Sensu, I needed some Ruby packages gem could not
install without comp54.tgz. I share them as they might be useful to other.



Information for inst:ruby19-thin-1.5.0

A fast and very simple Ruby web server

Tiny, fast & funny HTTP server

Thin is a Ruby web server that glues together 3 of the best Ruby
libraries in web history :
  * the Mongrel parser: the root of Mongrel speed and security
  * Event Machine: a network I/O library with extremely high
scalability, performance and stability
  * Rack: a minimal interface between webservers and Ruby frameworks

Maintainer: The OpenBSD ports mailing-list <ports@openbsd.org>

WWW: http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/

Attachment: ruby-thin.tgz
Description: Unix tar archive

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